Deliriously entertaining
- The New York Times

Avant-vaudeville mixed with Richard Foreman... riotous displays of props, inexplicably captivating pranks, and perplexing plots inspired by influences ranging from Godzilla movies and spaghetti westerns to Guy Debord.
- Art Forum Best of 2007

One of New York's most remarkable companies
- The Village Voice

The quintessential American performance group
- The Drama Review

American Theater Ensembles VOL 2 Luber, Steve.

Chance Magazine TARZANA Jeremy M. Barker

BOMB Interview with Barbara Browning Maggie Hoffman and Eric Dyer talk with Barbara Browning

TDR: The Drama Review Luber, Steve. Dicking Around with Radiohole: Toward Hyperreal Performance and Criticism The MIT Press

ART FORUM, Claudia La Rocco at the Collapsable Funeral DIG YOUR OWN HOLE

ART FORUM, Best of 2007 On New York

The Wall Street Journal, Lizzie Simon Funding Theater With Imagination

The New York Times Magazine, JULIE BAUMGARDNER Vampire Kupcakes

Popular Science Magazine, DIY Project By Radiohole (Eric Dyer and Maggie Hoffman) March 16, 2009 Liquid Lamps

The New York Times, BY PATRICK HEALY Brooklyn Troupe Wins Spalding Gray Award

Village Voice, Alexis Soloski OBIES
New York Theater Folks Gaze Back at the Off-Broadway Year

Village Voice, James Hannaham The Best of New York 2001
"Drunkest, Highest Theater Company"


American Theater Magazine, BY HELEN SHAW Feasting in the Festival Garden


American Theater Magazine, BY DIEP TRAN Radiohole Returns to Gooey Form With 'Tarzana'

Broadwayworld, Charles Quittner 11 Superb New Theatrical Experiences from 2016


"Mayhem Oozes From the Womb"
BEN BRANTLEY - The New York Times

"Inflatable Frankenstein"
Saviana Stanescu - nytheatre

"Opinionist: Whatever, Heaven Allows" Andy Horwitz - CultureBytes

Inflatable Frankenstein“ by Radiohole Stephen Cedars - showbusinessweekly

"Radiohole's Inflatable Frankenstein Is Full Of Exhilarating Hot Air" John Del Signore - Gothamist

Dance-Tech TV: Conversation with Radiohole about Inflatable Frankenstein at The Kitchen, NYC. Eric Dyer, Maggie Hoffman, Ryan Holsopple, Joseph Silovsky:
Andrew and Andrew review "Inflatable Frankenstein" for Paper Magazine


"If Douglas Sirk and Milton Walked Into a Bar and Started Trading Yarns"
BEN BRANTLEY - The New York Times

"On the Impious Mash-Up Whatever Heaven Allows (WHA?!)"
ALEXIS SOLOSKI - The Village Voice

"Opinionist: Whatever, Heaven Allows" JOHN DEL SIGNORE - Gothamist


The New York Times, By JASON ZINOMAN
Moral Righteousness Meets Down and Dirty
"It's a stunning stage image, like something out of a Robert Wilson production, translating nature into sleek technology."

The Gothamist, John Del Signore
Opinionist: Radiohole's Anger/Nation
"If you drop acid at just one Off Broadway show this year, make it this one."

The Brooklyn Rail, Alexis Clements
Hooch & Hatchetation Radiohole takes on the Nation
"Carrie A. Nation is all color and personality. And yes, it’s on purpose that her name reads like a righteous phrase, she trademarked it."

PaperMag, By Tom Murrin
"Radiohole always seems to go further to do something on stage that you won’t see anywhere else."

TimeOut NY, David Cote
"As at most Radiohole events, audience members are there to witness a cryptic but well-crafted machine in action. Gender roles, mortality and the monotony of erotic obsession are explored amid a barrage of light and sound effects. What’s new is the scale and complexity of the set, which is truly baroque."


Read more about Portraits In Dramatic Time:
HuffingtonpostNew York PressThe Wall Street Journal
New York MagazineThe New York Times


TDR: The Drama Review. Luber, Steve. Dicking Around with Radiohole: Toward Hyperreal Performance and Criticism

The New York Times, Jason Zinoman
Radiohole's 'Fluke' Splashes Around in a Sea of Ambiguity
"Listen closely and you'll hear the gurgling sound of the deep"

NYTheatre, Ross Peabody FLUKE Page 1 FLUKE Page 2
"No matter the material or the presentation of it, you always want to see what these performers will do next, usually because it's engaging (at worst) and mind-blowing (at best), but also because, honestly, they might really hurt themselves. Not to mention that they're all just so good."

TimeOut NY, David Cote FLUKE
"As with most of Radiohole's technically brilliant if hermetic works, it's the ingenious stagecraft that haunts you."


The New York Times, Jason Zinoman Bad Table Manners, but Fancy Names to Quote
"Never, under any circumstances, invite them to dinner."

The Village Voice, Alexis Soloski Cooking With Cowboys
"...They've taken a deconstructed fuck-up of a western and contrived to make it alarming, surprising, and very nearly profound"

TimeOut NY, Lisa Quintela Radiohole is Still My Name
"[it] unfolds like a deranged KFC commercial crossed with a trippy Western."

Offoffonline, Steve Luber Take It and Eat It
"Thank the sweet Lord above for Radiohole."

The Brooklyn Rail, Brook Stowe Radiohole is Still Their Name
"...a remarkable display of both gymnastic masticating and just plain old down-home, belch-ripping guzzling."

Culturebot, by Culturebot Touch Me I'm Radiohole
"...remember the giddy euphoria you felt the first time you dropped acid? "


Village Voice, Alexis Soloski Radiohole Pillages Mutes, Canada
"...Whether it's drinking or farting or whatever it is"

Theater 2k, Brook Stowe Radiohole Pillages Mutes, Canada
"...Imagine, if you haven't already tried it, watching "Ice Station Zebra" on some really good acid and witnessing stoic Rock Hudson melt into a pair of questing female twins/split psyches/fucked-up bitches as they swirl in a delirious downward spiral of murder, death, the possible second coming of Christ, Pepsi, and the swinging Hudson Bay club scene while up top behind them, a tattooed bald guy in red overalls spins syrupy vintage luau vinyl upon a really unsafe-looking swaying platform. "

WURST (take it and eat it)(I mean... take it and keep it)

The Village Voice, Alexis Soloski Dragons, Dwarves Save Theater
"It's Fucked up, but Hey, it's kind of cool."

Time Out, David Cote Wurst Review
"Wurst engages the same creepy blood-sword-ring-truth atavism that fuels both religious terrorists and fantasy epics...", Les Gutman A CurtainUp Review
"I don't purport to be a theoretician, so I can't define it, but I know it from a certain tingling feeling I get (and I don't mean the one in my ass from sitting on plywood risers for an hour or so)"

Bend Your Mind Off (with the Collapsable (sic) Giraffe)

Emergency, Matvei Yankelevich Bend Your Mind Off
"All that's left is pure laughable anguish."

Village Voice, Alexis Soloski Fake Germans Enjoy Beer, Porn
"...rickety set, gimcrack tech equipment, heads slammed into mikes, bodies thrown against rubber, flung tampons, and beer bottles hurled in the dark..."

Time Out, David Cote Bend Your Mind Off
" seems like a laundry list of unconnected perversities"


Village Voice, Alexis Soloski Destroy All Monsters
".I hope Japan is properly grateful."

The History of Heen (Not Francis E. Dec ESQ.)

Village Voice, James Hannaham Theater
"...they keep the performance ahead of the art."

Village Voice, Charles McNultyPsycho Analysis
" impressively executed, if often baffling, theatrical head trip..."

Village Voice, Alexis Soloski Garage Music
"...perhaps it will make it easier for them to get a booking or recieve a grant""

CurtainUp, Les Gutman A History of Heen
"For downtown theater denizens, this rates close to a must-see"


Village Voice, James Hannaham Bender
"all attending the noon performance of Bender were treated to a Bloody Mary and an intoxicating thrill."

Back Stage, Jane Hogan Bender
"...a grown man wearing nothing but a silver lamé diaper."

Union of the Hideously and Improbably Deformed
Corporate Headquarters
146 Metropolitan Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11211